17 Jan Evoking the Magician Within – Sunday, Jan. 21st @ 1:00pm (PST)
On Sunday, January 21st at 1:00pm, the TS of the East Bay will present its next (PowerPoint) Fundamental Theosophy program titled Evoking the Magician Within in support of its on-going Tarot study class held every 3rd Sunday of the month.
- A reminder will be sent on Thursday, the 18th.
- The Zoom link will be sent on Saturday, the 20th.
- Different handouts (by way of email attachments), is attached today, and then on Thursday and Saturday.
- Bring your personal Rider Waite Tarot deck or have available a color-copy of The Fool, The Magician, and The World.
- There will be time for questions and answers at the of the formal program.
- If you do not want to be sent future program information, please be kind to yourself and to us by letting us know.
This presentation is based on theosophical self-discovery, self-development, and self-transformation “truths”, which can be discovered and/or intuited in the symbolism found on each Rider-Waite Tarot card. The handouts are meant to eventually familiarize attendees with a general outline of the universe and the meaning and purpose to life as it pertains to the human stage of existence. Please take the time to (at least briefly) review the attachments and links (which may include the pdf version of classic theosophical books. Here is the link to a copy of one of the greatest mystical books available to the earnest aspirant to self-transformation – The Voice of the Silence (compiled by H. P. Blavatsky in1889:
Click on link – https://www.theosophytrust.org/Online_Books/Voice_of_the_Silence_V1.4.pdf
We hope you will join us next Sunday, the 21st, at 1:00PM.
May peace of mind and heart be yours and around the world everywhere.
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