01 Apr FUNDAMENTAL THEOSOPHY – Duality and Nonduality in the World’s Religions

February 14 th (Valentine’s Day) 1:00-2:00 pm
We are all on a journey of psychological and spiritual growth whether we are aware of it or not. Our journey will develop our consciousness (‘soul’) and provide us with the ‘tools’ needed to deal with the inevitable existential dissatisfaction or suffering each one of us experiences. In this talk, Alex provides the foundation and orientation needed for this most important journey of our lives, the spiritual journey of awakening.
Alex Pappas is a retired College of Alameda instructor of world religions and psychology (40+ years), past President of the Theosophical Society in the East Bay, writer, a student of comparative religion especially nondual paths such as Vedanta, Theosophy, and esoteric Buddhism, among others. He has lectured at various locations including Germany, Turkey, India, and the US. His book Heaven and Nirvana is a comprehensive text of dual and nondual religious traditions.
His approach to teaching World Religions is unique. He teaches that virtually all religions are either dualistic paths of salvation (where we are separate from God) or nondual paths of liberation (where we are part of the oneness of the Absolute).
Students and audiences have found this view exciting and clarifying compared to otherwise obscure concepts. Such clarity can facilitate the psychological and spiritual growth of the seeker.
Half an hour will be set aside for questions.
Copies of the speaker’s book, Heaven and Nirvana—Duality and Nonduality in the World’s Religions, can be found on Amazon.
The Meeting will be on Zoom with the following login details:
MEETING ID: 397 993 561
PASSCODE: 120913
RSVP either on our Theosophical Society of the East Bay Facebook Page Events listing, and/or add the event to your calendar via our Theosophical Society of the East Bay Google Calendar
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