26 Sep 125th Lodge Anniversary Presentation: The Way of Wisdom – Beyond Intellect.
Sunday, October 1, 2023 – 1pm to approximately 2:30pm — ZOOM Meeting ID: 324 823 7726 Meeting Password: 391515 — Please try to log on prior to 1pm.
Wisdom is defined in many ways and usually said to involve intellection [use of our mental faculties]. This type of wisdom was known in ancient Greece as a combination of episteme and sophia. However, Aristotle, in Metaphysics, defined a deeper kind of wisdom called phronesis—an understanding why things are a certain way (causality), which, he was said to say, was “spiritual” wisdom—that which comes from a deep connection to one’s inner self and the divine; the ability to see beyond the material, physical world with an understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
Spiritual wisdom can be defined as the understanding and knowledge that comes from a deep connection to one’s inner self and the divine. It is the ability to see beyond the material world with an accompanying realization of the interconnectedness of all things. Note that spiritual wisdom is not the result of intellection. Human beings cannot generate wisdom no matter how hard they try. Spiritual wisdom has to be accessed not generated. Why? How?
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