09 Sep Our 118th Anniversary with Martin Leiderman! (Oct 2016)
Join us in celebrating of our 118th anniversary, a rededication to our founding ideals, and for the formal inauguration of our new name—the Theosophical Society of the East Bay. To help us celebrate, Martin Leiderman, international speaker for the Theosophical Society, will be joining us. Includes vegetarian/vegan Potluck!
Bring your favorite dish, snack, or drink to share! Suggested donation: Five Dollars
There will be TWO lectures & workshops by Leiderman on Oct 1st and 2nd. The first is on Plato and the second will examine the Stanzas of Dzyan (The name given by H.P. Blavatsky to the secret source of the stanzas given in her book The Secret Doctrine). Don’t miss out! Both talks & workshops will take place at in the Mezzanine (Meeting Room and home of our TS Library) of St. Raphael’s Liberal Catholic Church.
332 Harbour Way
Richmond, CA 94801
Saturday October 1, 2016 at 2pm
Plato, a talk by Martin Leiderman
Plato’s philosophy has permeated and influenced the Western world for more than two thousand years. It forms the foundation of how we understand the physical and metaphysical universe. In this talk we’ll explore Plato’s world of ideas like the One, the Good, the Beauty, and the Just and study his famous analogies; let’s explore the virtuous life and the education that allows us to attain the vision of the Good and to realize the purpose of the human life as told in his allegory of the cave. Join us on Saturday for an enlightening presentation on PLATO, one of the greatest of Western philosophers.
Sunday October 2, 2016 at 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Stanzas of Dzyan: Anthropogenesis
A FOUR-HOUR WORKSHOP with Martin Leiderman, an international speaker for the Theosophical Society, who is an experienced, insightful and humorous presenter on this topic which he chose because he said “It is a topic dear to my heart…and I want to generate sparks and interest among those who take on Secret Doctrine studies.” The workshop will explore the main esoteric teachings presented in the Secret Doctrine–outlined the cyclic evolution of cosmos and of human beings. It is a mind-boggling image of a universe infused with purpose, harmony, and beauty.
Is there a key to studying the Stanzas in the Secret Doctrine?
This is an opportunity to discover and use it.
The gift offered publically to humanity in 1888 was The Secret Doctrine wherein is found the stanzas of the Book of Dzyan, ancient treatises on the development of Cosmos–Cosmogenesis and of Man–Anthropogenesis. Understanding them is difficult at best but well worth the effort. To aid in our studies, workshop facilitator, Martin Leiderman, a longtime student and teacher of esoteric philosophy along many lines, will provide participants with in-depth study techniques that will help clarify this most important esoteric treatise.
Martin Leiderman, international speaker for the Theosophical Society, is an experienced, insightful and humorous presenter on this topic which he chose because he said “It is a topic dear to my heart…and I want to generate sparks and interest among those who take on Secret Doctrine studies.” The workshop will explore the main esoteric teachings presented in the Secret Doctrine–outlined the cyclic evolution of cosmos and of human beings. It is a mind-boggling image of a universe infused with purpose, harmony, and beauty.
Theosophical Society of the East Bay
332 Harbour Way, Richmond CA 94801
email: oaklandTS@gmail.com
Like us on Facebook: Oakland Theosophical Society
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